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    Effective rewards and recognition programs from Terryberry can ignite purpose and potential in your team.

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    Terryberry is here to help during these challenging, uncertain times. We offer employee rewards and recognition programs that are available virtually no matter where your team is located.

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    Recognition Programs

    Terryberry helps employers develop the framework of employee appreciation programs to make it easy for great work to be recognized.



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    Wellness Program

    Terryberry's Corporate Wellness Program provides the tools to encourage staff to be well, including assessments, education, challenges and rewards.

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    Employee engagement, productivity and customer service are about 香港免费伕理服务器国外app where recognition occurs compared to where it doesn’t.

    Profits are 44% higher in companies with higher levels of employee engagement than companies that measured in the bottom 25% of employee engagement.

    There is 23.4% less employee turnover in organizations that give regular recognition.

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    Enlist the help of Terryberry in developing a recognition program to honor the people that are important to your organization. We’re ready to show you how!

    Request a Demo

    Terryberry helps organizations build a culture of recognition where teams achieve their best potential.

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